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Credit: K. Irish, UNC-IMS

Using data to understand the future

I am an aquatic biogeochemist and ecosystem scientist interested in using data to predict the future under climate and anthropogenic change. My research background spans a variety of interests from understanding environmental conditions that lead to harmful algal blooms to investigating how climate change will impact carbon cycling across the aquatic continuum. I am also passionate about communicating science to a broad range of audiences from coastal resource managers and drinking water treatment operators to university and K-12 students.


Currently, I am a research oceanographer with the Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Branch at the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) at NOAA. Prior to that, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Virginia Tech in the Department of Biological Sciences working with the Carey Lab. I received my Ph.D. in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in May 2019 where I studied organic matter cycling in estuarine ecosystems. To learn more about my current and past research, please visit the Research and Publications pages.


  • @Seashells1111


alexandria.hounshell AT noaa DOT gov

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